On Behalf of six elementary school districts within WACSEP, the PEP Department Team provides speech and language serices for 3 to 5-year old children with mild-moderate needs within SELPA State Preschool classes, local Head Start sites, or through district FLAG (Family Learning Activities Group) sessions.
The PEP Department provides speech and language consultation, assessment, therapy, and transition services as part of the child find requirement of public schools under IDEA. Referrals and received from public preschool agencies within the SELPA boundaries.
Kimberly Crounse Speech-Language Pathologist Ext. 8223 kcrounse@wacsep.org |
Jane Sugawara Speech-Language Pathologist Ext. 8300 jsugawara@wacsep.org |
Yoncoli Torres Speech-Language Pathologist Ext. 8204 ytorres@wacsep.org |
Jaime Vazquez |
Tiffany Tran Speech-Language Pathologist Ext. 8233 ttran@wacsep.org |
Connie Cipres-Barajas Speech-Language Pathology Assis. Ext. 8302 ccipres@wacsep.org |
Aime Hernandez |
Gladys Naranjo Speech-Language Pathology Assis. Ext. 8303 gnaranjo@wacsep.org |
Martha Richards Speech-Language Pathology Assis. Ext. 8305 mrichards@wacsep.org |
Dora Becerra Bilingual Aide Ext.8240 dbecerra@wacsep.org |